Sunday, October 8, 2017



This video is a Toyota anouncement for the hybrid C-HR of 2017. Hybrids are cars that are half electric half engine powered. They are made in order to struggle against global warming, one of the biggest environmental challenge nowadays. The concept of this kind of car is to use technological progress in favour of the protection of the planet and the wellbeing of human beings. The political ideals  is to put the car's qualities in order to contribute to the environmental ressources safeguarding by substituting the polluting cars and spotlight hybrid ones. In order to become a better species, we should think about future generations, about our actual way of living, to improve our life quality.


This two documents are graphics: the first one shows the Toyota hybrids sales's cumulation since 2000 to 2015; and the second one shows the predictive global electric vehicle sales in Europe, United States of America, China and the rest of the world until 2025.

According the first document, we can see that before 2004 they weren't many sales of hybrids. In 2005, people started to switch to the purchase of hybrid cars. Since then, the number of sales has constantly increased until 2014: the sales number has been multiplied by 1000 in 10 years.

According to the second document, there should be an impressive growth of electric vehicles use. In 2017, we use around one million electric cars, this number would be multiplied  by 5 within 8 years.

To conclude, new technolgies should be put in the service of a better life quality and more respectful toward environment, and to expand it will only improve people's respect toward the planet for the future generation's. We can also say that cars evolution represents perfectly the idea of progress in terms of quality and quantity as we improve new technolgies and spread them all around the world in order to preserve life itself.